Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life-concerning Questions and Opinion-based Answers

I was looking for questions about life, and I found these at Now, I am posting my answers for these selected questions.

Q: What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
A: There is one thing that I would like to change about the world. It is the inequality between the wealthy and the destitute. This world is meant for all the people created by God. The wealthy make the most of in economic, political, legal, or social aspect of this society while the poor and powerless remain bowing their heads before them as if the former were gods.
   In political aspect, who dominate? The wealthy do. In economic aspect, who dominate? The wealthy do. In legal aspect, who dominate? The wealthy do. In social aspect, who dominate? The wealthy do.
   I am not fingering all the affluent people on earth. I am referring to those who selfishly use money as an instrument of wicked and fraudulent acts.
  In lieu of maintaining the order among all the people, the wealthy use their power to extend their privileges. They take advantage of the economic inequality between the wealthy and the poor.
  If I had the authority to alter the economic status of the wealthy, I would. I would make all people equal. A single man has his own inalienable rights, and even money can never take it away from him. Human rights are not determined by the measure of financial power.

Q: Which is worse, failing or never trying?
A: Never trying is worse than failing. Why? Failing means trying to know whether something is for you or not. If it is for you, you will next surely know the better strategy of acquiring it. If it is not, you might as well have tried to know that not all things that we want could be ours, and life is not always the way we think it is. On the other hand, never trying is tantamount eventually knowing that something is for you but you never attempted to the guts to find your way to obtaining it until it is too late.

Q: Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
A: My ideal friend is someone who always tries to comprehend every message the world sends to everyone. He is someone who has deep beliefs and keeps things in perspectives. He is someone who keeps himself out of shallow world and possesses a great amount of hope in his heart. He is someone who values a friend as much as he does himself. He is someone who attempts to fathom the mysteries behind his friends' personalities. My ideal friend just resembles me, so I say yes.

Q: What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
A: The answer is just similar to the difference between living and existing.
On the one hand, being alive, to me, means releasing and having breath, moving body, consuming food, and taking up water. There's no more to living than those I mentioned.
On the other hand, truly living means one uses life not only for survival but also for realizing his aspirations and grasping his aims. One makes use of his life as a device for finding the purpose of life(raison d'etre) , Who is God.

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